Historically, the full-scale Smith Miniplane is one of the designs that helped start the modern homebuilding era. Originally designed and built in 1957 by Frank Smith of Fullerton, California, the Miniplane was an early example of engineering with the amateur homebuilder and weekend pilot in mind. It could be constructed with tools easily within reach of the average craftsman, and in the air it was stable and easy to fly. The top wing spanned 17 ft., and the empty weight was a mere 600 pounds. Powered by a 100hp Lycoming, the tiny Miniplane cruised at 120 mph, climbed at a fantastic 2,500 ft. per minute, and was highly aerobatic. It was just what many sportsman pilots were looking for!
R/C Sport Scale BiPlane
In 1974, Glen Sigafoose, then President of Sig Mfg. Co., acquired a complete Smith Miniplane to use for aerobatic practice. Glen's beautiful red, white, and black aircraft was the inspiration for this mini version of the Miniplane.
- Semi-Symmetrical Airfoil
- Outstanding Roll Rate
- Precision Die-Cut Formers and Ribs
- Molded Plastic Cowling, Wheel Pants, and Headrest
- Formed Wire Cabane Struts
- Photo-Illustrated Assembly Manual
- Formed Landing Gear Wires
- Complete Hardware Pack
- Colorful Self Adhesive Decals
- Full-Size Plans
- Scale 3-View Drawing
- Engine Mounts
 Set Up Specifications
Elevator   5/8 inch 16 mm Up and Down   Rudder  1     inch 25 mm Right and Left  Ailerons   1/2 inch 13 mm Up and Down  Center of Gravity  1/4 inch 6 mm Back from LE on Bottom Wing Dihedral   5/8 inch 16 mm On Each Panel  Incidence  +0 degree wing, 0 degree stabilizer    Engine Offset 0 degree down, 0 degree right              Accessories  English Metric Number Required  Pilot  2 5/8 inch 67 mm 1   Main Wheels 2 3/4 inch 70 mm 2   Tail Wheel  1 1/8 inch 29 mm 1   Fuel Tank  10 ounce 296 cc 1   Spinner  2 inch 51 mm 1   Covering  4 rolls depending on trim scheme  Â